terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2015

O Programa RINEPE participa do 14. Congresso Europeu de Psicologia na cidade de Milão – Itália entre 7 e 10 de julho de 2015.

O Programa RINEPE participa do 14. Congresso Europeu de Psicologia na cidade de Milão – Itália entre 7 e 10 de julho de 2015.
Na ocasião foram apresentados dois trabalhos científicos.


This article presents the RINEPE Program (International Network for Studies and Research on Leadership and Entrepreneurship) highlighting one of its tasks for extension and research: Project IMBA (Integration of People with Disabilities in the Labor Market), which deals with the adaptation and quality of life of workers with disabilities in the workplace and proposes actions to improve the quality of life in organizations. Among the planned research actions were undertaken translation and adaptation of research instruments (questionnaires and interview scripts) psychometric criteria required in the study area, diagnostic research using questionnaires designed based on the original design in two commercial and an educational companies to investigate the adaptation of people with disabilities (PwD) and propose improvements in the work environment. The instruments were suitable for the collection of information and data processing. Through the instruments IMBA appointed twelve employees were interviewed, ten chiefs and a representative sector of Human Research Management of both companies: a food industry and a company in the field of tourism and leisure, totaling twenty-four interviewed. Besides a group of four PwD working members of an educational institution that were also interviewed about their adaptation to the working place and their feeling and perception concerning Quality of Life at Work (QLW). The results indicate the need for physical-structural adaptations and the development of management strategies sensitive to working with people with disabilities (PwD) to resolve issues within the relationship between employees and other stakeholders in the workplace that has to do with prejudice and high competitive behavior. Strengths identified among the respondents were the quest for professional development and belief in the own potential. In the group of workers of the Educational Institution it was registered the feeling and perception of low level of QLW but also partial compatibility between the actual professional capacity of the PwD and work demands and prescriptions.

Key-words: Quality of Life at Work; Disability, Adaptability, Human Resources.

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